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Banjhakri Falls In Sikkim

Banjhakri Falls in Sikkim

Banjhakri Falls is a stunning waterfall and recreation center located near Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim. The falls is situated amidst the green forests. This popular tourist attraction offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure activities, and cultural insights. The waterfall cascades down from a height of approximately 100 feet, creating a mesmerizing sight for visitors.

The falls and Energy Park is spread over 2 acres of forestland and is designed to showcase the mythological significance of the Ban Jhakri, a shamanic healer worshiped by the local communities. A visit to this park is a must-do when exploring the beautiful city of Gangtok.

Location of Banjhakri Falls

Banjhakri Falls is situated in Swastik, about 7 km from Gangtok town on the National Highway 31 that leads to North Sikkim. The park is located next to an army camp and is easily accessible by road.

The exact coordinates of the falls are 27°21′03″N 88°36′13″E. It is surrounded by thick forests and offers a serene and picturesque setting for nature lovers.

How to Reach Banjhakri Falls

To reach Banjhakri Falls from Gangtok, you can hire a local taxi from the main market area. The drive takes around 30 minutes and the falls are located on the way to Ranka village.

Banjhakri Falls, Sikkim
Banjhakri Falls, Sikkim

Here’s a step-by-step guide to reach Banjhakri Falls:

  1. From Gangtok town, take the National Highway 31 towards North Sikkim.
  2. Drive for about 7 km until you see a signboard for Banjhakri Falls on the left side of the road.
  3. Turn left and proceed towards the parking area of the falls.
  4. From the parking lot, a short walk will take you to the entrance of the Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park.

You can also combine your visit to this waterfall with other nearby attractions like Ranka Monastery, which is just a few kilometers ahead.

Best Time to Visit Banjhakri Falls

The best time to visit the falls is from October to May when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. The monsoon season from June to September can be avoided as the region receives heavy rainfall, making the path to the falls slippery and risky.

Sikkim in October
Sikkim in October

If you want to witness the waterfall in its full glory, plan your visit just after the monsoons, from October to November. During this time, the water flow is at its peak, and the surrounding greenery looks fresh and vibrant.

The winter months from December to February are also a good time to visit Banjhakri Falls. The weather is cool and misty, adding to the charm of the place. However, it can get quite chilly, so make sure to carry warm clothes.

Timings and Entry Fee

Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park is open to visitors from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm every day. It is advisable to reach the falls early in the morning to avoid crowds and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.

The entry fee for Banjhakri Falls is as follows:

  • Indians: Rs. 50 per person
  • Foreigners: Rs. 100 per person

Children below 5 years can enter free of cost. There are additional charges for still and video cameras. Parking fees are also applicable in the designated parking area.

Attractions at Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park

Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park offers a range of attractions for visitors of all ages. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Waterfall: The main attraction of the park is the majestic falls, which plunges from a height of 100 feet. The sight and sound of the gushing water amidst the green surroundings is a treat for the senses.
  2. Shamanic Statues: The park features several statues and figurines depicting the Ban Jhakri, the traditional shamanic healer of Sikkim. These sculptures showcase the rituals, healing ceremonies, and induction process of the Jhakris.
  3. Energy Park: Banjhakri Falls is also an energy park with exhibits related to renewable energy sources. Visitors can learn about solar water heaters, solar-powered cars, energy drums, and other eco-friendly technologies.
  4. Man-made Lake: The park has a beautiful man-made lake with a dragon statue in the center. Visitors can enjoy boating in the lake and admire the serene surroundings.
  5. Landscaped Gardens: The park is beautifully landscaped with ornamental trees, flowers, and plants. Paved pathways and footbridges make it easy to explore the gardens and enjoy the natural beauty.
  6. Gazebos and Resting Areas: There are several gazebos and resting areas throughout the park where visitors can sit, relax, and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
  7. Children’s Play Area: The park has a dedicated play area for children with swings, slides, and other fun activities. It’s a great place for families to spend quality time together.

Tips for Visiting Banjhakri Falls

Here are some useful tips to make the most of your visit to the falls:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with a good grip as the path to the falls can be slippery, especially during the rainy season.
  2. Carry a light jacket or windcheater as it can get chilly near the waterfall due to the mist and breeze.
  3. Keep yourself hydrated and carry water and snacks, as there are limited food options inside the park.
  4. Be cautious while taking photos near the waterfall and avoid going too close to the edge or on slippery rocks.
  5. Respect the environment and do not litter in the park premises. Use the designated dustbins to dispose of waste.
  6. If you’re interested in learning about the shamanic traditions, consider hiring a local guide who can provide insights into the legends and mythology associated with the Ban Jhakri.

Remember, this is not just a tourist spot but also a culturally significant place for the local communities. Be mindful of their sentiments and traditions while exploring the park.

To Sum Up Your Visit To Banjhakri Falls

This blog is an epitome of my visit to this beautiful fall out of the many amazing waterfalls in Sikkim. If you are looking forward to traveling to Sikkim, you cannot miss going to this waterfall. Sikkim is a Himalayan paradise when it comes to coming close to nature and it is sort of incomplete without these waterfalls. Make sure to enjoy your trip. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is there an entry fee for Banjhakri Falls?

Yes, there is an entry fee of Rs.50 for Indians and Rs.100 for foreigners. Children below 5 years can enter free of cost.

What is the best time to visit Banjhakri Falls?

The best time to visit the falls is from October to May when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities.

How far is Banjhakri Falls from Gangtok?

The falls is located about 7 km from Gangtok town and can be reached by a 30-minute drive.

Are there any restaurants or food stalls near Banjhakri Falls?

There are limited food options near the falls. It’s advisable to carry your own snacks and water.

Is photography allowed inside Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park?

Yes, photography is allowed inside the park. However, there are additional charges for still and video cameras.

Can we take a dip in the waterfall?

No, swimming or taking a dip in the waterfall is strictly prohibited for safety reasons.

Is there a parking area near Banjhakri Falls?

Yes, there is a designated parking area near the entrance of Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park. Parking fees are applicable.

Are there any accommodations near Banjhakri Falls?

There are no accommodations in the immediate vicinity of the falls. Visitors usually stay in Gangtok town and visit the falls as a day trip.

How much time do we need to spend at Banjhakri Falls?

You can spend anywhere between 1 to 2 hours at the falls, depending on your interest and the activities you wish to indulge in.

Is Banjhakri Falls suitable for children?

Yes, Banjhakri Falls is a family-friendly destination with a dedicated play area for children. However, parental supervision is recommended near the waterfall area.

Are there any other attractions near Banjhakri Falls?

Yes, you can club your visit to Banjhakri Falls with other nearby attractions like Ranka Monastery, Tashi View Point, and Ganesh Tok.

Is there a dress code for visiting Banjhakri Falls?

There is no specific dress code, but it’s advisable to wear modest and comfortable clothing, considering the cultural sentiments of the local community.

Can we hire a guide at Banjhakri Falls?

Yes, you can hire a local guide at the falls who can provide information about the shamanic traditions and the park’s attractions.

Are there any ATMs near Banjhakri Falls?

There are no ATMs in the immediate vicinity of the falls. It’s advisable to carry sufficient cash from Gangtok town.

Is Banjhakri Falls open throughout the year?

Yes, Banjhakri Falls is open to visitors throughout the year. However, the monsoon season from June to September can be avoided due to heavy rainfall and slippery conditions.

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