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Seven Sisters Falls In Sikkim

Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim

Seven Sisters Waterfalls in Sikkim is a beautiful and captivating spot that really showcases the natural beauty of the region. The falls get their name from the way seven streams of water flow side by side down a rocky cliff, creating a stunning sight, especially during the monsoon season when the water is at its fullest. It’s one of those places that makes you stop and just take in the wonder of nature.

The journey to the falls is part of the experience. As you drive along the winding highway, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. There are several viewpoints along the way where you can stop, stretch your legs, and soak in the scenery. The falls themselves are a stunning sight, with seven streams of water falling down in parallel, especially impressive during the monsoon season.

Location of Seven Sisters Falls

Seven Sisters Waterfalls is nestled in the scenic state of Sikkim, India. You can find this beautiful spot along the Gangtok-Lachung highway, about 32 kilometers from Gangtok, the bustling capital city of Sikkim. This makes it an easy and enjoyable day trip if you’re staying in Gangtok.

7 Sister Falls, Sikkim
7 Sister Falls, Sikkim

Getting to the waterfalls is part of the adventure. The drive itself is lovely, with winding roads that offer gorgeous views of the hills and valleys. There are several viewpoints along the way where you can pull over, stretch your legs, and take some fantastic photos of the falls from different angles.

Features Of Seven Sisters Falls

Seven Distinct Streams:

The waterfall is named for its seven parallel streams that cascade down a rugged cliff, creating a mesmerizing and picturesque spectacle.

Height and Magnificence:

The falls drop from a significant height, adding to their grandeur and making them a breathtaking sight, especially when viewed from a distance.

Seasonal Beauty:

The best time to witness the full beauty of the falls is during the monsoon season (May to July) and post-monsoon (September to November) when the water flow is at its peak and the surrounding greenery is lush and vibrant.

Scenic Drive:

Located about 32 kilometers from Gangtok along the Gangtok-Lachung highway, the journey to the falls is incredibly scenic, with beautiful views of hills and valleys along the way.


There are several designated viewpoints along the highway where visitors can stop to take in the spectacular views of the falls and capture stunning photographs.


The falls are easily accessible by road, making them a convenient destination for tourists staying in Gangtok or traveling through Sikkim.

Local Amenities:

Near the falls, local vendors set up stalls offering refreshments like tea, coffee, and snacks, allowing visitors to enjoy a break while admiring the natural beauty.

Photographic Opportunities:

The unique formation of the falls and the lush surroundings make it a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts looking to capture the beauty of nature.

Peaceful Environment:

The area around the falls offers a peaceful and serene environment, ideal for those seeking a moment of relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Flora and Fauna:

The region around the falls is rich in diverse flora and fauna, adding to the overall experience of visiting the falls and making it a delightful spot for nature lovers.

How to Reach Seven Sisters Falls

By Air

The nearest airport to Seven Sisters Waterfalls is Bagdogra Airport, located near Siliguri in West Bengal. From Bagdogra Airport, you can hire a taxi or take a pre-booked private vehicle to Gangtok, which is about 124 kilometers away. From Gangtok, you can then proceed to the falls by road.

By Train

The closest major railway station is New Jalpaiguri (NJP) Railway Station, also located near Siliguri in West Bengal. NJP is well-connected to major cities like Kolkata, Delhi, and Guwahati. From NJP, you can take a taxi or a shared jeep to Gangtok. Once in Gangtok, you can continue your journey to Seven Sisters Waterfalls by road.

By Road

Seven Sisters Waterfalls is about 32 kilometers from Gangtok along the Gangtok-Lachung highway. Gangtok is well-connected by road to Siliguri, Darjeeling, and other nearby towns. You can either hire a private taxi or take a shared jeep from Gangtok to reach the falls. The drive from Gangtok to the falls is scenic, offering beautiful views of hills and valleys along the way.

Tips for the Road Journey:

  • Plan Ahead: Check the weather conditions and road status, especially during the monsoon season when roads may be slippery.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking and exploring the falls.
  • Photography Gear: Bring your camera or smartphone to capture the stunning views of the falls and surrounding landscape.
  • Refreshments: Carry some snacks and water for the journey, although you can also find local vendors near the falls offering refreshments.
  • Safety Precautions: Drive cautiously, especially on winding mountain roads, and follow traffic rules to ensure a safe journey.

Visiting Seven Sisters Waterfalls is a rewarding experience, offering not just natural beauty but also a chance to enjoy the journey through the picturesque landscapes of Sikkim.

Best Time to Visit Seven Sisters Falls

The best time to visit Seven Sisters Waterfalls is during the monsoon season from May to July and the post-monsoon period from September to November. Here’s why these seasons are ideal:

Monsoon Season (May to July)

Peak Water Flow: The monsoon brings heavy rainfall to the region, ensuring that Seven Sisters Waterfalls flow with full vigor and majesty. The water cascades down the rugged cliffs in all its glory, creating a mesmerizing sight.

Monsoons In Sikkim
Monsoons In Sikkim

Lush Greenery: The surrounding hills and valleys are lush and vibrant during this time, adding to the scenic beauty of the falls.

Post-Monsoon Season (September to November)

Continued Flow: Even after the monsoon subsides, the falls continue to have a good flow of water during the post-monsoon period. The weather is pleasant, making it comfortable for visitors to explore and enjoy the falls.

Clear Skies: The skies are often clearer during this time, offering better visibility and enhancing the overall experience of viewing and photographing the falls.

During these periods, the weather is generally favorable for outdoor activities, and the natural surroundings are at their most vibrant. However, it’s advisable to check weather conditions and road accessibility, especially if traveling during the monsoon season when roads may be affected by heavy rainfall. 

With its breathtaking beauty and natural charm, visiting Seven Sisters Waterfalls during these times ensures an unforgettable experience amidst the pristine landscapes of Sikkim.

Tips for Visiting Seven Sisters Falls

Here are some general tips for visiting Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim, based on typical recommendations for visiting waterfalls:

  • Visit During the Best Season: The best time to visit Seven Sisters Falls is during the monsoon season (May to July) and post-monsoon period (September to November) when the water flow is at its peak and the surrounding landscape is lush and green.
  • Check Weather Conditions: Before heading out, especially during the monsoon season, check weather forecasts and road conditions. Heavy rainfall can affect accessibility and safety.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Dress comfortably and wear sturdy footwear suitable for walking on uneven terrain. You might encounter slippery paths near the waterfall.
  • Carry Essentials: Bring essentials such as drinking water, snacks, sunscreen, and insect repellent. It’s also advisable to carry a raincoat or umbrella, especially during the monsoon season.
  • Respect Nature: Practice responsible tourism by not littering and respecting the natural surroundings. Leave no trace and help preserve the beauty of the area.
  • Photography Tips: Capture stunning photographs of the waterfall and surrounding scenery. Early morning or late afternoon light can enhance your photos.
  • Safety First: Follow designated paths and safety signs. Avoid venturing too close to the waterfall or standing on slippery rocks to prevent accidents.
  • Local Guidance: If possible, hire a local guide who can provide insights into the history, geology, and flora/fauna of the area.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your visit to Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim and ensure a safe, enjoyable, and memorable experience amidst nature’s beauty.

Places to Visit Near Seven Sisters Falls

Near Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim, there are several other attractions and places worth exploring. Here are a few notable ones:


Gangtok, Sikkim

The capital city of Sikkim, Gangtok, is about 32 kilometers away from Seven Sisters Falls. It offers a blend of cultural sites, shopping opportunities, and panoramic views of the Himalayas.

Tsomgo Lake (Changu Lake)

Changu Lake, Tsongo Lake, Sikkim
Changu Lake, Tsomgo Lake, Sikkim

Located approximately 40 kilometers from Gangtok, Tsomgo Lake is a glacial lake surrounded by steep mountains. It’s known for its scenic beauty and is a popular tourist destination.

Nathula Pass

Nathu La Pass, East Sikkim
Nathu La Pass, East Sikkim

Situated at an altitude of 4,310 meters, Nathula Pass is a mountain pass on the Indo-China border. It offers stunning views of the snow-capped Himalayas and is accessible from Gangtok.

Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek Monastery, Sikkim
Rumtek Monastery, Sikkim

About 23 kilometers from Gangtok, Rumtek Monastery is one of the largest and most significant monasteries in Sikkim. It is known for its Tibetan architecture and religious significance.

Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park

Banjhakri Falls, Sikkim
Banjhakri Falls, Sikkim

Located near Gangtok, Banjhakri Falls is a scenic waterfall surrounded by gardens and pathways. The adjacent Energy Park features sculptures, picnic spots, and viewpoints.

Tashi Viewpoint

This viewpoint, about 8 kilometers from Gangtok, offers panoramic views of the Kanchenjunga mountain range on clear days. It’s a popular spot for photographers and nature enthusiasts.

Enchey Monastery

Situated in Gangtok, Enchey Monastery is a 200-year-old monastery known for its religious significance and architecture. It offers insight into Buddhist culture and practices.

These attractions near Seven Sisters Falls offer diverse experiences, from natural beauty and cultural heritage to adventure and spiritual exploration. They complement a visit to the falls, providing a comprehensive glimpse into the charm and diversity of Sikkim’s landscapes and culture.

Concluding Your Trip To Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim

Concluding your trip to Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim is a moment to savor the natural splendor and tranquility you’ve experienced. Leaving Seven Sisters Falls, you depart with a sense of rejuvenation and appreciation for the natural world. The tranquility and beauty encountered here will remain etched in your memory, inviting you to return and rediscover its allure again.

This blog is an epitome of my visit to this beautiful fall out of the many amazing waterfalls in Sikkim. If you are looking forward to traveling to Sikkim, you cannot miss going to this waterfall. Sikkim is a Himalayan paradise when it comes to coming close to nature and it is sort of incomplete without these waterfalls. Make sure to enjoy your trip. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim?

Seven Sisters Falls in Sikkim refers to a group of seven parallel waterfalls cascading down a cliff, known for their picturesque beauty.

Where are Seven Sisters Falls located in Sikkim?

Seven Sisters Falls are located approximately 32 kilometers from Gangtok, along the Gangtok-Lachung highway in Sikkim, India.

How tall are Seven Sisters Falls?

The falls drop from a significant height, though specific measurements may vary. They are known for their impressive cascade down the rugged terrain.

When is the best time to visit Seven Sisters Falls?

The best time to visit is during the monsoon season (May to July) and post-monsoon (September to November) when the water flow is at its peak, showcasing the falls in their full splendor.

What are the timings to visit Seven Sisters Falls?

Typically, the falls can be visited during daylight hours. It’s advisable to visit early in the morning or later in the afternoon to avoid crowds and to enjoy optimal lighting for photography.

Is there an entry fee to visit Seven Sisters Falls?

There may be a nominal entry fee to visit the falls. It’s recommended to check with local authorities or guides for the latest information on entry fees.

How do I reach Seven Sisters Falls from Gangtok?

You can reach Seven Sisters Falls from Gangtok by hiring a taxi or taking a shared jeep along the Gangtok-Lachung highway. The journey offers scenic views of the Himalayan landscape.

Are there accommodations near Seven Sisters Falls?

While there are limited accommodations near the falls themselves, visitors often stay in Gangtok, which offers a range of hotels, guesthouses, and homestays. Some accommodations may also be available in nearby villages.

What facilities are available near Seven Sisters Falls?

Nearby facilities include basic amenities such as food stalls, restrooms, and parking areas. It’s advisable to carry essentials like water and snacks, especially for longer visits.

Can I swim or bathe in Seven Sisters Falls?

Swimming or bathing in the falls is generally not recommended due to strong currents and slippery rocks. It’s important to prioritize safety and respect local guidelines.

Are there trekking trails near Seven Sisters Falls?

Yes, there are trekking trails and paths that lead to viewpoints offering different perspectives of the falls and surrounding landscapes. These trails vary in difficulty and are popular among adventure enthusiasts.

What are some nearby attractions to visit along with Seven Sisters Falls?

Nearby attractions include Gangtok city, Tsomgo Lake, Rumtek Monastery, and viewpoints like Tashi Viewpoint. Each offers unique cultural, natural, and scenic experiences.

Is Seven Sisters Falls accessible for senior citizens and children?

The accessibility of Seven Sisters Falls may vary depending on individual mobility. Some viewpoints may require walking on uneven terrain, so it’s advisable to check accessibility beforehand.

What should I wear when visiting Seven Sisters Falls?

Wear comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear suitable for walking and exploring natural terrain. It’s also recommended to carry a light jacket or raincoat, depending on the weather.

Are there guided tours available for Seven Sisters Falls?

Yes, guided tours and local guides are available in Gangtok and nearby areas. They provide informative insights into the history, geology, and cultural significance of Seven Sisters Falls and its surroundings.

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