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7 Famous Waterfalls In Sikkim

7 Amazing Waterfalls In Sikkim

Sikkim is a state which is famous for its views of the Greater Himalayas and Kanchenjunga, but there are many waterfalls in Sikkim that add up to the beauty of the state. In this article I take you on a ride to 7 of the most amazing waterfalls in Sikkim. You cannot afford to miss these places if you are traveling to Sikkim.

When I was on my trip to Sikkim, I could not help but look out of my car to see the amazing streams flowing. When I was on my tour to the state of Sikkim, it was the time of monsoons and everywhere you could spot the streams falling from high rocks and turning into beautiful waterfalls. But of the many falls, there are some amazing waterfalls that I went to.

Here’s a list of some of the most famous waterfalls in Sikkim. If you’re looking for a detailed overview of the waterfalls in Sikkim, you can refer to my blog.

Kanchenjunga Falls

Kanchenjunga Falls is named after the third highest mountain in the world, Mount Kanchenjunga, from where it is believed to originate. The waterfall is majestic and falls with a beautiful gush of stream.This makes the Kanchenjunga Falls a must-visit destination for nature lovers and photographers.

Kanchenjunga Falls, Sikkim
Kanchenjunga Falls, Sikkim

Location of Kanchenjunga Falls

Kanchenjunga Falls in Sikkim is located near Pelling in West Sikkim. The journey to the falls is as beautiful as the waterfall itself, with mountain roads offering panoramic views of the Himalayas.

FAQs Related To Kanchenjunga Falls

  1. What is the best time to visit Kanchenjunga Falls?
    The best time to visit Kanchenjunga Falls is from March to May and from September to November when the weather is pleasant, and the water flow is ideal.
  2. How can I reach Kanchenjunga Falls from Pelling?
    You can reach Kanchenjunga Falls by hiring a taxi from Pelling. It is about 28 kilometers away and takes around an hour to reach.
  3. Are there any entry fees for Kanchenjunga Falls?
    No, there are no entry fees to visit Kanchenjunga Falls.

Seven Sisters Falls

Seven Sisters Falls, named after the mythical Seven Sisters of Northeast India, is an amazing stream of waterfalls situated in dense forests and rolling hills. With its seven distinct streams plunging down rocky cliffs, this natural wonder creates a spectacle of unparalleled beauty, charming visitors with its charming beauty.

7 Sister Falls, Sikkim
7 Sister Falls, Sikkim

Location of Seven Sister Falls

Located on the Gangtok-Lachung Highway, the Seven Sister Falls in Sikkim are easily accessible and provide amazing Himalayan Views, especially during the monsoon season when the water flow is at its peak. You get to see the falls when you are traveling to North Sikkim (especially Lachung). The Seven Sister Falls is located near to the Gangtok – Lachung State Highway.

FAQs Related to Seven Sister Falls

  1. When is the best time to visit Seven Sisters Falls?
    The best time to visit Seven Sisters Falls is during the monsoon season from June to September when the waterfalls are in full flow.
  2. Is there a viewing platform at Seven Sisters Falls?
    Yes, there is a viewing platform where visitors can get a clear view of the waterfalls.
  3. Are there any nearby attractions to visit along with Seven Sisters Falls?
    Yes, nearby attractions include the Yumthang Valley and Lachung Monastery.

Rimbi Falls

Rimbi Falls, located near Pelling in West Sikkim, is a peaceful waterfall surrounded by rich vegetation and a peaceful ambiance. The Rimbi Falls is fed by the Rimbi River. This beautiful waterfall offers a refreshing retreat for travelers seeking solace and natural beauty in the Himalayan landscapes, making it a popular stopover on the way to other nearby attractions.

Rimbi Falls, Sikkim
Rimbi Falls, Sikkim

Location of Rimbi Falls

If you are in Pelling, I strongly recommend you to visit the Rimbi Falls. The Rimbi Falls in Sikkim  is about 12 kilometers from Pelling and all it takes to reach there is a short drive. You will love seeing this beautiful waterfall when you are in Sikkim.

FAQs Related To Rimbi Falls in Sikkim

  1. What activities can be done at Rimbi Falls?
    Visitors can enjoy picnicking, photography, and fishing in the Rimbi River.
  2. How far is Rimbi Falls from Pelling?
    Rimbi Falls is about 12 kilometers from Pelling and can be reached by a short drive.
  3. Are there any picnic spots near Rimbi Falls?
    Yes, there are several picnic spots near Rimbi Falls where visitors can relax and enjoy the scenery.

Phamrong Falls

Phamrong Falls, situated in the beautiful hills of South Sikkim, is a majestic waterfall surrounded by rich greenery and stunning landscapes. The Phamrong Falls is fed by the Rangpo River. This waterfall flows down rocky cliffs, creating a soothing melody of flowing water that resonates throughout the peaceful valley, making it a peaceful spot for picnics and relaxation.

Phamrong Falls, Sikkim
Phamrong Falls, Sikkim

Location of Phamrong Falls

If you’re traveling to the southern part of Sikkim, there’s this short trek you should not miss. Phamrong Falls in Sikkim is located in South Sikkim and in order to reach the Phamrong Falls, all you need to do is a short, scenic trek to the location of the waterfalls.

FAQs Related To Phamrong Falls

  1. What is the best time for trekking to Phamrong Falls?
    The best time for trekking to Phamrong Falls is from March to May and September to November.
  2. Are there any local guides available for visiting Phamrong Falls?
    Yes, local guides are available who can help you explore the area and provide information about the falls.
  3. What facilities are available near Phamrong Falls?
    There are basic facilities like restrooms and small eateries near Phamrong Falls.

Naga Falls

Naga Falls, near the charming town of Dzongu in North Sikkim, is a beautiful waterfall surrounded by dense forests with a magical feel. Named after the legendary Naga tribes of the area, the water flows down rocky cliffs, creating a stunning sight. It’s a perfect spot for travelers who want to enjoy nature and discover the hidden gems of the Himalayas.

Naga Falls, Sikkim
Naga Falls, Sikkim

Location of Naga Falls

Naga Falls in Sikkim is located near Dzongu in North Sikkim. You can reach Naga Falls by a short drive to the Dzongu Valley in the Northern Part of Sikkim and is accessible by a scenic drive with views of the amazing Himalayan peaks on the sides.

FAQs Related To Naga Falls

  1. How can I reach Naga Falls from Dzongu?
    You can reach Naga Falls by hiring a taxi from Dzongu. It is a short drive away.
  2. What is the cultural significance of Naga Falls?
    Naga Falls is named after the Naga tribes, and the area is known for its cultural heritage and traditions.
  3. Are there any trekking routes near Naga Falls?
    Yes, there are several trekking routes in the vicinity of Naga Falls for adventure enthusiasts.

Bhim Nala Falls

Bhim Nala Falls, situated in the beautiful hills of Sikkim, is a tranquil waterfall renowned for its natural beauty and serene ambiance. The falls are fed by the Bhim Nala River, this stream falls down rocky cliffs, creating a captivating spectacle of water and light that mesmerizes visitors with its surreal charm, making it a favored destination for nature lovers and photographers alike.

Bhim Nala Falls, Sikkim
Bhim Nala Falls, Sikkim

Location of Bhim Nala Falls

Bhim Nala Falls is located in the hills of Sikkim, near the town of Lachung. The Bhim Nala Falls in Sikkim is located in the northern part of the state.

FAQs Related To Bhim Nala Falls

  1. What is the best time to visit Bhim Nala Falls?
    The best time to visit Bhim Nala Falls is during the monsoon season from June to September.
  2. How tall is Bhim Nala Falls?
    Bhim Nala Falls is approximately 70 meters tall.
  3. Are there any accommodation options near Bhim Nala Falls?
    Yes, there are several guesthouses and hotels near Bhim Nala Falls.

Banjhakri Falls

Banjhakri Falls, located near Gangtok, is a popular tourist attraction known for its natural beauty and spiritual significance. The Banjhakri Falls is surrounded by rich greenery and a peaceful ambiance, creating a serene oasis where visitors can rejuvenate their spirits and connect with the healing energies of nature.

Banjhakri Falls, Sikkim
Banjhakri Falls, Sikkim

Location of Banjhakri Falls – Waterfalls In Sikkim

Banjhakri Falls is located near Gangtok and is part of the Banjhakri Energy Park. Banjhakri Falls in Sikkim lies in the capital of the state and is commonly visited by the tourists and travelers. 

FAQs Related To Banjhakri Falls

  1. What are the timings for visiting Banjhakri Falls?
    The park is open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM every day.
  2. Is there an entry fee for Banjhakri Energy Park?
    Yes, there is a nominal entry fee for visitors.
  3. What cultural activities can be observed at Banjhakri Falls?
    Visitors can observe traditional shamanic rituals and explore the sculptures and displays related to Sikkimese culture.

Summing Up Waterfalls In Sikkim

Sikkim is home to some truly stunning waterfalls, each with its own unique charm. Take Kanchenjunga Falls, for example – its powerful roar is a reminder of nature’s incredible force. On the other hand, Banjhakri Falls offers a peaceful escape with its serene beauty. Whether you’re into photography, love being in nature, or just need a quiet spot to unwind, these waterfalls in Sikkim are perfect.

So why not pack your bags and set off on an adventure to explore these amazing natural wonders in the heart of the Himalayas? Sikkim’s waterfalls are more than just sights to see; they’re experiences that offer a perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

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