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Best Winter Treks In India, Trekking, Lekhak Pravin, Experiences Are Eternal, Treks In India, Top 10 Winter Treks In India

Best Winter Treks In India – 10 Best Trek Locations In Budget 

Winters have arrived in India and it is the time of the year when you start planning your winter treks. Here, in this blog, I have covered the best winter treks in India. The blog includes the top 10 of the best trek locations in India that fits your budgets too. Most of the treks […]

How To Reach Bakkhali Sea Beach - Best Weekend Getaway

How To Reach Bakkhali Sea Beach? – Best Weekend Getaway

About Bakkhali Sea Beach In this blog I talk about the different ways on how to reach Bakkhali sea beach. If you followed my last blog about Bakkhali Sea beach, I described Bakkhali and said, “Bakkhali in West Bengal is one of those small getaway locations where you do not find a host of crowded

10 Best Tamasha Movie Quotes Every Traveler Might Relate To - Lekhak Pravin

10 Best Tamasha Movie Quotes Every Traveler Might Relate To

Imtiaz Ali is a very well known film-maker known widely for his ability to show the reality of the society to the people in the form of entertainment. He speaks facts through his movies and all his movies leave an impact in the minds of the viewers. Tamasha is one such movie. Tamasha was released

How to Avoid Mountain Sickness, How to avoid ams, how to avoid altitude sickness, diamox, precautions in mountain sickness

What is Altitude Sickness? – 5 Best Ways to Stay Fit in Mountain

Mountains are a traveler’s paradise, but every beauty comes with a cost. Mountain Sickness or Altitude Sickness or Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) are very common among the travelers who love to travel to higher altitudes, but are careless enough to neglect their health. In this blog we are going to talk about what is altitude

How To Reach Sikkim?

How To Reach Sikkim? – 5 Best Ways to Travel to Sikkim

Sikkim is one of the best travel destinations in India, located in the northern part of the sub-continent. Sikkim is filled with mesmerizing and picturesque views of the Greater Himalayas. Situated in the laps of the Himalayas, Sikkim is a very famous travel destination where a wide number of travelers reach every year. Here’s a

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